Interpretive Hikes

Interpretive Hikes at Rhoneymeade – 2021

Hosted by Scot Chambers, PA Master Naturalist Set against the backdrop of the ~150-acre organic farm in Potter Township, known as Rhoneymeade, a series of 6 interpretive hikes will be offered on the second Sunday of each month from May through October, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. The hikes are open to the public and free of charge. All appropriate pandemic guidelines will apply until further notice.

The hikes are intended as an opportunity for participants to experience Rhoneymeade from the perspective of a naturalist. This means that several factors will be considered and discussed during the hikes. These factors include the natural history and natural sciences of the property as well as the role of the arts and humanities in the land use over time. We will discuss how this has impacted the nature of this property as well as influences current and future activities.

For the 2021 season our hikes will be as follows:

May 9 (Mother’s Day) – Welcome to Rhoneymeade. We will tour the property to help participants to have a thorough understanding of the property, historically as well as how is used current and future plans.

June 13 – Birding 101 - Joe Gyekis will lead the group on a hike along the Kerlin Trail, as well as the arboretum grounds, to identify birds as summer activity is in full swing. Joe will demonstrate and teach skills and technologies to help participants become more effective birders. We will also include information on how people can practice birding and gathering data in any setting.

July 11 – Nesting birds - This hike will focus on the nesting behaviors of various birds that call Rhoneymeade home during this time of the year. Stations will be set up so participants can watch various nest sites without disturbing them. Discussion will include how appropriate nesting sites can be established by participants in other settings as well.

August 8 – Invasive species - This hike will go along the Kerlin Trail as well as the arboretum grounds to discuss what are invasive species (plants and animals), identify common examples of them on the grounds, and discuss what can be done about them.

September 12 – Autumnal birds - As the seasons change so do the avian inhabitants of Rhoneymeade. Join Joe Gyekis for another hike around the property to see what new birds are in the area (some just passing through) as well as discuss what kind of birds may overwinter here. We will also discuss what you can do to feed birds during the winter months ahead.

October 10 – Trees, glorious trees- As the colors change for autumn, we will enjoy a hike along the Kerlin Trail to learn about tree identification, their life cycles, and factors that will impact the health of trees. There are several trees on the property that are well beyond 100 years in age that will be highlighted during this tour.

The tours will be held outside so participants should dress accordingly for weather conditions as well as take appropriate precautionary steps for pests of all kinds. Food and beverage will not be provided. However, participants are encouraged to bring their own food and beverage. Rhoneyemade is an excellent location for picnicking before or after the hikes. Please park only in the designated areas.

For more information please visit:


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